Hello my old friend hAllary and Amazing
happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
An Invitation To ThirdWitness & Scholar - strengthen their faith.
by hillary_step inthird witness & scholar,.
i am sure that given your sneering remarks in recent months you know that many, though not all, who post to this board are agnostic / atheists or have 'lost their faith' in the bible.
i am inviting you to present a defence of the bible in order to strengthen the resolve of the many jw's who read this board anonomously.
Does the Policy of the Watchtower Create a Safe Haven for Child Molesters?
by listen innot a society apologist!!
just wanting to know what you all think.
does this "sound" fair & balanced, you decide.
happy man
third wittnes.
What shall we do as have give in some o the eler and find that after they have addmit pornia widh someone under 15, the only punishment was stepp down as an elder, from the podium it was only stated XX is nolonger an elder..
Ofcourse this was very frustrating, and when I talk to the PO o he say it was no longer my busnis, I have to go on and put this behind me.
When I told som as ask why this lovly brother was moved avay as an elder I say like it was, but then the bigg probelms start, I was told that if I speak abut this i corse division in the cong, and if I and others talk about this they was forming a commite against us fore slandering.
CAN YOU ASK ME WHAT I CAN DO, i feeel very bad and also all peopel as know this in the cong, we are forced to bee quiet about this or we have to face dfd, I was in bigg chock when I understand how our headqurter handel this, it was in some ways morebad than the media have told about, and we have beeen told was lies, can you give me some addvise, I know wwe going to bee judged on a personal level, never can I stand upp and say whatwas told about us was lies, when I myself have expiriens somthing else.
love HM
We have a letter from HQ after the TV program about this problem among us, there they say we tell the police if the govermets laws say we must,
BUT IN MY COUNTRY IT IS NO LAW ON THIS, so we dont tell the police here, it is upp to the famyli to do this.
Does the Policy of the Watchtower Create a Safe Haven for Child Molesters?
by listen innot a society apologist!!
just wanting to know what you all think.
does this "sound" fair & balanced, you decide.
happy man
"Also from the "Flock" book (pages 110-112 if memory serves as I cannot find my copy right now), please note that this important word "may" is used in connection with accepting the testimony of minor children. Elders do not have to accept the testimony of a child regarding their rape.
This word "may" is again used when it comes to non-believers. Elders may accept them as a witness, or they may not. It's up to them. Why is that? "
Just this i know is the truth, we can do this but we dont do it, it was the exakt words to the elder in my cong have when asking society about a case where it was children 12 years old and also non JW youth as was ´giving testoemonie about that one of ther parents was kissing and huging unother man not the man she was married to, no punishment fore the man as doning this beacuse we dont use non jw, or children as wittneses was THE ANSWER FROM hq.
Please help - convention info
by unbrainwashed ini decided to skip the convention for the first time this year.
i have been telling everyone in my congregation that i went but just didn't see them there.
a few nosey individuals are getting suspicious and they are trying to find out if i really went or not.
happy man
I heard something unbelevebel on my convention.It was on the main talk on sunday, the speaker says suddenly, the Chatolik church have to pay millons of dollars beacuse they have preists as sexabuse children, what diffrens from jehovas organisation on earth, we dfd evry unrepented sinner from the cong.(very bigg apllauds)
Was this comment on the conventions all over the word?
It was very uppsetting fore me beacuse i know the speaker have hide hevy stuff himself as one of the topp men in our country sitting in the higest kommite fore the country.
Have they no respekt att all fore the truth, and fore peopels feelings, as have been told to putt this in Jehovas hand and bee quiet and never putt bad reputaition om Jehovas namne.
by Gill ina concerned jw, watchtower reader wanted to know in the 2006 august awake!, questions from readers, why one jw had not been disfellowshiped.
he asked: 'this series mentioned the experience of hilario, who drank for 30 years and who had 'many relapses'.
he stated that those in the congregation 'were always by my side to give me encouragement.
happy man
Here is my expiriense of this.
One man in our cong was qestioned if he have been drunk more than 3 times, ha was very hounest and say yes, they said then we must dfd you, beacuse you made this to an habit, ( more tha 3 times, he say he need help, but no, they dfd him, this man was very deprresed,)
aspecially when it come forward that one of the highest man in the cong as was hunting him fore years, himself have an affair widh unother brothers wife, guess what happend only steep down as an elder and some reprof fore a short time, the bitternes is enormus, this was so extrem that most of the cong reakt, but was forced down from the society to bee quiet and dont complian, after all this was decided from elders and they are appointed from Jesus, if we complain we are against hes ruling over the cong( the elders judging was best friend too the sinning elder)
Eurovision Song Contest
by katiekitten inhalf way through the songs, and my vote is with latvia.
fantastic acapella song.
beautiful.. nice country song from germany.. lithuania - i dont know what to say!!!!
happy man
Didnt you here the title, HALLELUJAH, presented as satans worships, as all hard rock, intrested points, never tell me that som man y in Europe like this teriibbel song, And evryone here knows that JAH stands fore bad things OR?
The best and most beatufull song was SWeden, but this is not important anymore in this competition, it is the best show, and most spektakuler prefomence as winn, next year, perhaps blood and sex on the stadge, as inn bigg brother.
May 28--Four years since Dateline's JW sex abuse program aired. Results?
by AndersonsInfo insunday, may 28, 2006, is the fourth anniversary from when a threshold was crossed into uncharted waters.
on may 28, 2002, the u.s. television news program, dateline, publicized to millions of viewers the facts about watchtower's deceitful child abuse policies which protect pedophiles who target and molest jws' vulnerable children.
subsequently, this subject caught the interest of media throughout the world who, through careful investigation, substantiated the allegations made on dateline.
happy man
What I dont understand is the toalty sero respect fore peopel as know how the polyci is.
When the TV program i our country come we have a letter the day before the program from the hedquorter, about al lies as come on TV they told us not to look, after the on the summer we have this terribel talks on assamblies, dont listen to the voice from the strangers,I was so uppset when I heard the leading man from HQ say dont you trust us in this, do you realy think we hide peoel as have done bad things, no of course not, evryone was so happy, but not we as know, how can this man be so evel that he was lying to all this people, he must know how bad we must feel as hade been told to put things in Jehovas hand, in my case, when I was told from sercuit overser that i must forget and dont talk about this widh anyone, if I do I will dirty Jehovas name,I know that the man as talk on the assambly himself have decide to hide things after the TV program, and despite this he say this lies .
But if you read the letter they send out very carefully they addmit the problems, beacuse they say, we must have the power to judge about ourselfs, and we put in peopel too the police if THE LAW SAY So, my mother told mee, ther you see they give in peopel to the police if they have done bad things, but i TOLD HERE, IN OUR COUNTRY THE LAW DONT SAY THET YOU MUST DO THIS, so what they say is if you read carefully ,is we dont do this beacuse the law dont force us to .My mother was then silent, talking about dubbeltalk.
The most terribel thing in my expiriense was when th CO try to explain fore mee why I as a famyli member and wittnes to bad thngs done by unother famyli member, dont have to tell anyone in my famylie about this , this was the sinners djuty to do, and if he dont do this, we cane do nothing, when my mother call the elders and ask why her husband was putting down as elder, they answer ,ask him, we cane say nothing.
I have been succes full in fading away, nowan contakt mee, not even from near relatives from the cong, we are outlaws , my wife is still very active, despite this she is also frozen out, evrything is very tragik, peopel as know whats happend beacuse I told them is very unhappy, two have died from heart probelms, as I see it beacuse al this mess in the cong, some have other sikness probelms, like depresions.
This is a problem, shall you convince peopel as you love about bad things is in ther religion, and the outcome is they lost ther love to life, this is a bigg dillma fore mee, it is not so fun to see how loved ones lost ther joy fore life , so I have decide to not say so much any more, the price is to high, the most important thig is that the elders and Co never try to contakt mee, and it looks like they dont fell fore contakting mee, they know that I have 100 procent proof fore what I tell tem.
May 28--Four years since Dateline's JW sex abuse program aired. Results?
by AndersonsInfo insunday, may 28, 2006, is the fourth anniversary from when a threshold was crossed into uncharted waters.
on may 28, 2002, the u.s. television news program, dateline, publicized to millions of viewers the facts about watchtower's deceitful child abuse policies which protect pedophiles who target and molest jws' vulnerable children.
subsequently, this subject caught the interest of media throughout the world who, through careful investigation, substantiated the allegations made on dateline.
happy man
I can tell from Inside that this topic is still very hott,to discuss widh JW,if you like me have seen the polyci from your one expiriense, and tell this to JW you talk to, how it works,(fore many it is unknown) they are s illent and some very unhapy, some have even been ill when they have understand how it works and that was no lies told about us, I have told severla in my country and most agree widh mee that something is very wrong just now, but as the say we have to wait fore better times, do they ever come, we can ask after 4 years.
love HM
Advice, please! Concerning the 2 witness rule
by whyizit inmy friend, who is not yet baptised in the wt, but is well on her way and very defensive of the wt, kind of led me into a conversation about how there has to be two witnesses for immoral acts, etc....(i guess someone recently got caught with another guy's wife, and it took a little detective work, because there has to be 2 witnesses.
) i brought up child molestors.
what does the wt do in those cases?
happy man
More, questions.
This ruel about two wittnes, is like this , it must be two reliabel wittneses,(JW in godd standing) wich meens it must bee two Jehovan Wittneses, this sound unbelevebel but I know this from a case in my cong, when we have a wittnes from the so called wordley peopel(not JW), when the elders ask headqurter they say, we dont use peoepl as not are JW as wittnes, in the elder book it says if you want you can use non JW, but the polyci is to not do this.
The same thing widh peopel as are under 15, in the elder book it says it is up to the elders to decide, but if you ask the headquorter the say we dont use children as wittneses, also this I know from a case in our cong.
So it seems to bee alsmost impossibel to caught a phedofile fore examppel, wher do you hade two JW in god standing, and not under 15, as wittnes to things like this.
A third question is, do we use DNA as a second wittnes, my quess is no, perhaps some here know how it is.
Advice, please! Concerning the 2 witness rule
by whyizit inmy friend, who is not yet baptised in the wt, but is well on her way and very defensive of the wt, kind of led me into a conversation about how there has to be two witnesses for immoral acts, etc....(i guess someone recently got caught with another guy's wife, and it took a little detective work, because there has to be 2 witnesses.
) i brought up child molestors.
what does the wt do in those cases?
happy man
If you sleep over the night in a house, widh a woman and it is nowan more ther, it dont need two wittneses to wrongdoing, it is inaff that you have sleept over alone, one of my children (over 25), was sleeping in the same department as hes two freinds ,both girls, and he was almost dfd, nothing immoral happend, and no wittneses to that something wrong happend, still on restriktions.
Ask your friend how it is possibel, when it comes to abuse of children it is very important widh two wittneses, but in other cases you dont need any wittnes at all, as in the case I told here, unbelvebel ..
Not anyone hade any explanaition to this terribel unjust system, when I ask, not even the CO.